EDU516 Assignment 1 Solution by getready | edu516 Assignment 1 Solution Spring 2023

EDU516 Assignment 1 Solution by getready | edu516 Assignment 1 Solution Spring 2023

(Spring 2023)

Semester 4th

Subject EDU516


After understanding the concept of “Close Reading” Write down any ten points for

developing a report?


Here are ten important tips for using the concept of “close study”:

1. Read the text multiple times

Close reading requires a thorough understanding of the text, so reading it multiple times helps

you understand its nuances and details.

2.Take Detailed Notes

As you read, make note of important points, key passages, and observations that stand out to

you. These notes will help you structure your report effectively.

3.Analyze Language and Literary Devices

Pay close attention to the author’s use of language, literary devices (such as metaphors, similes,

and imagery), and stylistic choices. Analyzing these elements will increase your understanding

of the deeper meaning of the text.

4. Review Structure and Organization: 

Consider how the text is structured and organized.

Look for patterns, transitions, and sections that contribute to the overall flow and harmony of the


5. Identify Main Themes and Ideas:

 Determine the main themes and ideas presented in the text.

These may be explicitly stated or implicitly implied. Understanding these topics will help you

form the basis of your report.

6. Highlight character development

If the text includes characters, closely examine their development throughout the narrative.

Analyze their motivations, relationships and how they contribute to the overall story or


7. Evaluate the author’s point of view or argument

Determine the author’s point of view, argument, or thesis. Examine the evidence and reasoning

they provide to support your point of view, and critically evaluate its strengths and weaknesses.

8. Engage with secondary sources

Consult relevant secondary sources, such as critical articles or scholarly articles, to gain insights

from experts in the field. These sources can provide additional perspectives and support your

own analysis.

9. Make Connections

Connect the text you are analyzing to other texts, historical events, or broader social and cultural

contexts. This helps place the text within a larger framework and gives a better understanding of

its significance.

10. Provide evidence-based interpretations

In your report, support your analysis and interpretations with specific evidence from the text.

Use direct quotes, paraphrases, or summaries to back up your claims and demonstrate a deep

connection to the material.

Question. 2

Also write down any five problems that a student can face while doing the Close Reading?


1. Comprehension Difficulties

Close reading requires students to carefully analyze and understand complex texts, which can

present comprehension challenges. Students may struggle with unfamiliar vocabulary, complex

sentence structures, or complex concepts, making it difficult for them to grasp the deeper

meaning of a text.

2. Time Management

Close reading involves reading and rereading a text several times, focusing on specific details

and analyzing their significance. Managing time effectively while engaging in this process can

be a challenge for students, especially when they have multiple texts to analyze within a limited

time frame.

3. Critical Thinking

Close reading emphasizes critical thinking skills, such as analyzing, interpreting, and evaluating

a text. Some students may find it difficult to develop and apply these skills, especially when

they need to make inferences, identify implied meaning, or analyze an author’s purpose.

4. Interpretation skills

Effective close reading often involves text interpretation, which requires students to actively

engage with the material by highlighting key points, taking notes, or marking important

passages. . However, students may struggle with effective annotation strategies, such as

determining what information to annotate, using symbols or abbreviations effectively, or using

excessive and minimal annotations. Finding a balance between

 5. Limited background knowledge

Close reading often involves analyzing texts from different subjects or genres, some of which

may be unfamiliar to students. Limited background knowledge on the topic may hinder their

ability to fully understand and engage with the text, as they may lack the necessary context or

prior understanding of the topic 

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