CS403P midterm Quiz Solved by Munir

CS403P midterm Quiz Solved by Munir

Option 1:

Question: Which of the two data models were used before the relational data model?

Option: Hierarchical and Network Data Model

Answer: Hierarchical and Network Data Model

Option 2:

Question: If a teacher teaches multiple courses in a university, then the relationship between teacher and course is:

Option: One to one

Answer: One to many

Option 3:

Question: Which of the following are unary operators?



Option 4:

Question: Which of the following option is true for union commutative?

Option: AUB=BUA

Answer: AUB=BUA

Option 5:

Question: A cell of a table is the intersection of row and a ________.

Option: Column

Answer: Column

Option 6:

Question: Consider the following two sets: X = [a, b] Y = {1,3,5} Then the Cartesian product of A and B (i.e. XxY) will be equal to:

Option: {(a,1), (a,3), (a,5), (b,1), (b,3), (b,5)}

Answer: {(a,1), (a,3), (a,5), (b,1), (b,3), (b,5)}

Option 7:

Question: In the relational data model, composite attributes need to be represented as:

Option: Separate relation

Answer: Separate relation

Option 8:

Question: A relation named FACULTY contains the attributes FactId, FactName, FactDept and FactRank. Which of the query will be used to PROJECT the FactId and FactDept?

Option: ∏ FactId, FactDept (Faculty)

Answer: ∏ FactId, FactDept (Faculty)

Option 9:

Question: While converting Entity-Relationship Diagram to Relational Data Model, each entity type is converted into:

Option: Relation

Answer: Relation

Option 10:

Question: Which of the following option is true for union commutative?

Option: AUB=BUA

Answer: AUB=BUA