Bio101,Soc101 Solved Quiz midterm

Subject: Biology

Question #1:

Which of the following is NOT a part of the midbrain?

A) Tectum

B) Substantia nigra

C) Cerebrum

D) Tegmentum

Correct option: C) Cerebrum

Question #2:

All of the following can be considered major reasons for auditory damage EXCEPT:

A) Severe blow to the ear sensitive regions

B) Sound vibration

C) Prolonged exposure to loud noise

D) Old age

Correct option: D) Old age

Question #3:

Which of the following is a swollen, bulblike structure at one end of the axon?

A) Dendrites

B) Axon

C) Soma

D) Terminal button

Correct option: D) Terminal button

Question #4:

What do we call thyroid enlargement?

A) Iodine deficiency goiter

B) Protein deficiency goiter

C) Calcium deficiency goiter

D) Vitamin deficiency goiter

Correct option: A) Iodine deficiency goiter

Question #5:

Which of the following systems arouses us for defensive action, e.g., fight or flight?

A) Parasympathetic Nervous System

B) Endocrine System

C) Central Nervous System

D) Sympathetic Nervous System

Correct option: D) Sympathetic Nervous System

Subject: Psychology

Question #6:

Which of the following phenomena is of particular importance for people who have to constantly monitor, e.g., pilots, traffic controllers, rescue workers, and firemen?

A) Accommodation

B) Occlusion

C) Selective attention

D) Convergence

Correct option: C) Selective attention

Question #7:

Which of the following refers to the process of perceiving a shape, pattern, object, or scene by attending to the individual elements making it up?

A) Feature analysis

B) Bottom-up processing

C) Phi phenomenon

D) Top-down processing

Correct option: B) Bottom-up processing

Question #8:

Which of the following refers to a misperception or false perception?

A) Sensation

B) Illusion

C) Hallucination

D) Delusion

Correct option: B) Illusion

Question #9:

Which monocular cue refers to the two parallel lines seeming to converge at some point, indicating increasing distance?

A) Interposition

B) Motion parallax

C) Linear perspective

D) Texture gradient

Correct option: C) Linear perspective

Question #10:

When a stressful situation subsides, which system begins its activity?

A) Parasympathetic Nervous System

B) Central Nervous System

C) Endocrine System

D) Sympathetic Nervous System

Correct option: A) Parasympathetic Nervous System

Subject: Sociology

Question #1:

According to the structural functionalist perspective, the functions of deviance include all of the following EXCEPT:

A) Deviance clarifies moral boundaries

B) Deviance promotes stagnation in society

C) Deviance encourages social change

D) Deviance affirms cultural values and norms

Correct option: B) Deviance promotes stagnation in society

Question #2:

Acts of suicide bombers are an example of:

A) Relativity of deviance

B) Cultural differences

C) Social experiences

D) Cultural relativity of crime

Correct option: D) Cultural relativity of crime

Question #3:

The action that provokes only

 slight reaction from others and has little effect on a person's self-concept is known as:

A) Secondary deviance

B) Primary deviance

C) None of the given options

D) Relative deviance

Correct option: B) Primary deviance

Question #4:

The general process of acquiring culture is referred to as:

A) Acculturation

B) Interaction

C) Socialization

D) Enculturation

Correct option: D) Enculturation

Question #5:

In the second decade of the 20th century, biological determinism was displaced by:

A) Social determinism

B) Cultural relativism

C) Cultural materialism

D) Socio-cultural determinism

Correct option: B) Cultural relativism

Question #6:

Which of the following is considered essential to sustain morality?

A) Stigmatization

B) Juvenile delinquency

C) Crime

D) Deviance

Correct option: C) Crime

Question #7:

As per biological theorists, street crimes are mostly committed by:

A) People of tall heights

B) People with muscular bodies

C) People with different chromosomes

D) People with low intelligence

Correct option: D) People with low intelligence

Question #8:

Ahmad was standing in a line at school to get the salad from the salad bar. He really wanted to have a handful of carrots in his mouth, but his teacher was present at the moment, so he decided to wait until his turn came. Ahmad's action can be categorized as:

A) Libido

B) Id

C) Ego

D) Super-ego

Correct option: D) Super-ego

Question #9:

Biological determinism prevailed in the late ______ century.

A) 19th

B) 20th

C) 21st

D) 18th

Correct option: A) 19th

Question #10:

According to Freud, the norms and values internalized from our social groups are called:

A) Superego


C) Libido

D) Ego

Correct option: A) Superego