CS304 Quiz 4 Solved Spring 2023 | Final Term Preparation

CS304 Quiz 4 Solved Spring 2023 | Final Term Preparation

2 Different Solved Quiz

Quiz 1:

Question #1:

Which of the following can be passed as type arguments to templates?

a) Primitive types

b) None of the given options

c) User-defined types

d) Both Primitive types and User-defined types

Correct Answer: d) Both Primitive types and User-defined types

Question #2:

We can change the behavior of a template using __________.

a) Function Templates

b) None of the given options

c) Class Templates

d) Template Parameters

Correct Answer: d) Template Parameters

Question #3:

When we specialize a function template, it is called _____________________.

a) Function template overriding

b) Function template overloading

c) Function overloading

d) Function overriding

Correct Answer: b) Function template overloading

Question #4:

A template argument is preceded by the keyword ________.

a) template

b) class

c) type*

d) vector

Correct Answer: a) template

Question #5:

Which of the following represents partial specialization?

a) template< class T, type T>

b) template< typename T, class W >

c) template< int , char >

d) template< class T, class U, int >

Correct Answer: b) template< typename T, class W >

Question #6:

In C++ generic programming is done using_________

a) Procedures

b) Packages

c) None of the given options

d) Templates

Correct Answer: d) Templates

Question #7:

The parameters given in the template definition other than those used for mentioning templates types are called ____________.

a) None of the given options

b) Non-Type Parameters

c) Default Type Parameters

d) Type Parameters

Correct Answer: b) Non-Type Parameters

Question #8:

Which of the following is the correct syntax for passing two type arguments to a template?

a) template< typename T, typename U >

b) template Typename< T, U >

c) template< type T, type U >

d) template< type T, U >

Correct Answer: a) template< typename T, typename U >

Question #9:

Which of the following is the correct code to instantiate the object of the given template Vector class for int type?

template <class T>

class Vector{};

a) Vector obj<>int;

b) Vector obj <int>;

c) Vector <int> obj;

d) Vector int obj;

Correct Answer: c) Vector <int> obj;

Question #10:

Which of the following is the correct way to define a template class X?

a) class< typename T > class X { };

b) template< typename T > class X { };

c) typename <class T > class X { };

d) template class X { };

Correct Answer: b) template< typename T > class X { };

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Quiz 2:

Question #1:

We can change the behavior of a template using __________.

a) Function Templates

b) None of the given options

c) Class Templates

d) Template Parameters

Correct Answer: d) Template Parameters

Question #2:

Which of the following may inherit from an ordinary class?

a) All of the given options

b) Partial specialization

c) Complete specialization

d) Class template

Correct Answer: a) All of the given options

Question #3:

A template argument is preceded by the keyword ________.

a) class

b) template

c) vector

d) type*

Correct Answer: b) template

Question #4:

In statement "template <class T, class U, int I = 5>", the non-type parameter is _____________.

a) All of the given options

b) class U

c) int I

d) class T

Correct Answer: c) int I

Question #5:

A class template ____________.

a) Does not support generic methods

b) Does not support static members

c) Facilitates reuse of class

d) Does not facilitate reuse of class

Correct Answer: c) Facilitates reuse of class

Question #6:

In resolution order, highest priority is given to __________________ in template specialization.

a) partial specialization

b) complete specialization

c) general template

d) none of the given options

Correct Answer: a) partial specialization

Question #7:

Which will be the Primary task or tasks of generic programming?

a) Build concrete models of the concepts

b) Categorize the abstractions in a domain into concepts

c) Implement generic algorithms based on the concepts

d) All of given

Correct Answer: d) All of given

Question #8:

In resolution order of function templates, the compiler searches for _____________ in the end.

a) generic template

b) complete specialization

c) partial specialization

d) ordinary function

Correct Answer: d) ordinary function

Question #9:

In order to define a class template, the first line of the definition must be:

a) Template Class <ClassName>

b) Class <Template T>

c) typename <template T>

d) template <typename T>

Correct Answer: d) template <typename T>

Question #10:

When we specialize a function template, it is called _____________________.

a) function template overriding

b) function template overloading

c) function overloading

d) function overriding

Correct Answer: b) function template overloading

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