CS302p Quiz with Correct Answers

CS302p Quiz with Correct Answers 

Question # 2 1A K-Map of size 2x2 can be used to map a ___________ input boolean expression.Select the correct option 3 4 2 1

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The correct option is: 2-input boolean expression.

________ is also known as a Universal gate.Select the correct option OR AND NOR XNOR

CS302P Quiz Solved

The correct option is: AND.

The NAND (NOT-AND) gate is often referred to as a universal gate because it can be used to implement any other type of logic gate. By combining multiple NAND gates, you can create circuits that perform the functions of AND, OR, NOT, NOR, XOR, and XNOR gates.

The other options mentioned, such as OR, AND, NOR, and XNOR, are not considered universal gates because they cannot alone be used to implement all other logic gates.

Don’t care conditions can be used for simplifying Boolean expressions in ___________.Select the correct option Latches Terms K-maps Registers

CS302P Quiz Solved

The correct option is: K-maps.

Don't care conditions can be used for simplifying Boolean expressions in K-maps. Karnaugh Maps, also known as K-maps, are graphical tools used in digital logic design to simplify Boolean expressions. They provide a systematic method for grouping minterms or maxterms in order to identify and eliminate redundant terms.

In K-maps, don't care conditions are represented by 'X' symbols. These 'X' symbols indicate that the corresponding input combinations do not affect the output. Don't care conditions can be treated as either 1s or 0s, depending on the desired output for those input combinations.

By utilizing don't care conditions in K-maps, it is possible to further simplify Boolean expressions by grouping together adjacent cells, including both 1s and don't cares, to reduce the number of terms and logic gates required.

Therefore, the correct option is: K-maps.

The K-map based Boolean reduction is based on the following Unifying Theorem: A + A’ = 1.Select the correct optionForceComplementarityNon ImpactImpact

CS302P Quiz Solved

The correct option is: Complementarity.

The K-map based Boolean reduction is based on the principle of complementarity. The theorem A + A' = 1 is known as the complementarity theorem. It states that the sum of a variable (A) and its complement (A') is always equal to 1.

In K-map based Boolean reduction, this complementarity property is utilized to identify and simplify Boolean expressions by combining terms that are complements of each other. By grouping together cells in the K-map that represent variables and their complements, it becomes possible to eliminate redundant terms and simplify the overall expression.

Therefore, the correct option is: Complementarity

__________ gate with a bubble at the output is know as NOR gate.Select the correct option NAND AND OR NOT

CS302P Quiz Solved

The correct option is: OR.

An OR gate with a bubble at the output is known as a NOR gate. The NOR gate is a digital logic gate that produces an output of true (logic level 0) only when all of its inputs are false (logic level 0). It is the complement of the OR gate.

The bubble at the output of a logic gate represents the logical complement or inversion of the gate's output. In the case of an OR gate, the bubble indicates that the output is inverted or negated, resulting in a NOR gate.

Therefore, the correct option is: OR.

It should be kept in mind that don’t care terms should be used along with the terms that are present in ___________.Select the correct option Expressions Minterms Latches K-Map

CS302P Quiz Solved

The correct option is: Minterms.

It should be kept in mind that don't care terms should be used along with the terms that are present in minterms. In Boolean algebra and Karnaugh maps (K-Maps), minterms are the unique product terms that represent the combinations of inputs that result in a logic 1 output for a given Boolean function.

When simplifying Boolean expressions using don't care conditions, it is important to consider the terms that are present in minterms. Don't care conditions can be used to group together adjacent cells in the K-Map that contain both don't cares and minterms. This allows for the reduction of the Boolean expression by combining terms and eliminating redundancies.

Therefore, the correct option is: Minterms.

A Karnaugh map (K-map) is an abstract form of ____________ diagram organized as a matrix of squares.Select the correct option Block diagram Venn Diagram Cycle Diagram Triangular Diagram

CS302P Quiz Solved

The correct option is: Venn Diagram.

A Karnaugh map (K-map) is an abstract form of a Venn diagram organized as a matrix of squares. The K-map is a graphical representation that helps simplify Boolean algebra expressions by visually depicting the logical relationships between inputs and outputs.

In a K-map, each square represents a unique combination of input variables. The squares are organized in a matrix format, typically with binary encoding, where adjacent squares differ by only one variable. This arrangement allows for the identification of groups of adjacent squares with similar output values, which can be combined to simplify the Boolean expression.

Therefore, the correct option is: Venn Diagram.

Each group of adjacent Minterms (group size in powers of twos) corresponds to a possible product term of the given ___________Select the correct option Set Value Word Function

CS302P Quiz Solved

The correct option is: Function.

Each group of adjacent minterms in a Karnaugh map corresponds to a possible product term of the given function. In Boolean algebra, a function represents the relationship between inputs and outputs, and it can be expressed as a logical expression using Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT).

When simplifying a Boolean function using a Karnaugh map, adjacent minterms with the same output value are combined to form product terms. Each group of adjacent minterms in the Karnaugh map corresponds to one of these product terms, which, when combined together, represents a simplified logical expression for the function.

Therefore, the correct option is: Function.