SOC101 Assignment No1 Spring 2023 by Getready| SOC101 assignment 1 2023

 SOC101 Assignment No1 Spring 2023 by Getready| SOC101 assignment 1 2023 

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 Structural functionalism: 

From a structural functionalist perspective, poverty can be seen

as a dysfunction or imbalance within the social structure of Pakistani society. Poverty

disrupts the equilibrium and functioning of social institutions such as the economy,

education system, and healthcare. Poverty affects individuals and communities, limiting

their access to resources, opportunities, and social mobility. From this perspective,

poverty needs to be addressed to restore social stability and ensure the smooth

functioning of society as a whole.

 Social conflict: 

From a social conflict perspective, poverty is viewed as a result of social

inequalities and power imbalances in Pakistani society. This perspective highlights the

unequal distribution of resources, wealth, and opportunities. It emphasizes how social

classes and different interest groups compete for limited resources, and how these power

struggles perpetuate and deepen poverty. In the context of Pakistani society, social

conflict theorists might analyze how economic policies, land distribution, and access to

education and healthcare contribute to the persistence of poverty, with marginalized

groups facing the greatest challenges.

 Symbolic interactionism:

 From a symbolic interactionist perspective, poverty

is understood as a socially constructed concept, shaped by the meanings and interactions

individuals attribute to it. Symbolic interactionists would examine how poverty is

defined, perceived, and experienced by individuals and communities in Pakistani society.

They would explore the everyday interactions, language, and symbols associated with

poverty, as well as the stigmatization and social labeling of individuals living in poverty.

This perspective would highlight the importance of understanding the subjective

experiences of poverty and how it influences people's identities, self-perceptions, and social interactions.

By analyzing poverty through these three perspectives, sociologists can gain a more holistic

understanding of its causes, effects, and potential solutions. Structural functionalism emphasizes

the need for social stability and functioning institutions, social conflict highlights the role of

power dynamics and inequality, and symbolic interactionism focuses on the subjective

experiences and meanings attributed to poverty. These perspectives provide different insights

into poverty and can inform policies and interventions aimed at addressing this social issue in Pakistani society.