zoo202 past papers solved by getready | zoo202 short notes | vu past papers

zoo202 past papers solved by getready | zoo202 short notes | vu past papers 

Zoo202 Paper 



  • Protochord are generally knowan as Lower chordate.
  • Which mammal have no hair in adult Whales.
  •  A coat of hair called usually Pealage.
  • Most mammals have....... sets of teeth during lives.Two.
  • Venome Glands are modified.....Salivary glands.
  • Sperm may be store for up to ........years. 4 years.
  • Penguins belong to..... Order Sphenisciformes.
  • Pigeon milk produced by.... Crop.
  • Special voice box ......in birds. Syrinx.
  •  Birds maintan body temprature at..... 38 to 45°.
  • Reptiles possess......atria. Two.
  • Eoalulavis had wing structure called...... Alula.
  • The beginning of the Tertiary period, about 70 million years ago, was the start of the “ age of mammals Territory period.
  • ........which have altrical. Robins .
  • The dorsal portion of the shell is the carapace.
  • All reptiles periodically shed the outer, epidermal layers of the skin in a process called ecdysis.
  • To sustain activity, however, body temperatures are regulated within a narrow range,between 25 and 37° C.
  • In snakes and some lizards, the upper and lower eyelids fuse in the embryo to form a protective window of clear skin, called the spectacle.
  • The covering of feathers on a bird is called the plumage.
  • Birds also have a reduced number of skull bones, and a lighter, keratinized sheath called a bill replaces the teeth.
  • A special voice box, called the syrinx.
  • Birds maintain body temperatures between 38 and 45° C.
  • Cones are especially concentrated (1,000,000/mm2) at a focal point called the fovea.
  • The beginning of the Tertiary period, about 70 million years ago, was the start of the “ag of mammals.
  • A coat of hair, called pelage.
  • The vertebral column of mammals is divided into five regions.
  • The heart rate falls from 200 to 300 beats per minute to about 20 beats per minute.
  • All blood flowing anteriorly passes into a series of blood sinuses, called the glomerulus, at the base of the proboscis.
  • In fishes Muscles extend posteriorly and anteriorly in a zigzag fashion.
  •  Semicircular canals detect rotational movements.
  • Metamorphosisis under the control of neurosecretions of the hypothalamus.
  • Class reptilia possess amniotic egg.
  • Venomous lizards are the gila monster.

The anterior margin of the wing is thicker than the posterior


Even the giraffe and the whale have seven neck vertebrae.

In viviparous mammals, the oviducts are modified into one or two uteri.


Subjective of Zoo202 Past Papers

  1. Define spectacles.
  2. types of flight in birds.
  3. Difference bw ventricles and proventriculus?
  4. Negative pressure mechanisms?
  5. Characterstics of mammals.
  6.  Ram ventilation.
  7. What is hibernation?
  8.  Metamorphosisis.
  9.  Define preening.

paper of Zoo202

 Zoo 202 k questions repeat ho rhy hai

Long m thy

Countercurrent exchange

Mammary gland

Types of flight

Negative pressure mechanisms


Ventriculus and proventriculus


Advantages of viviparity

Orders name of reptiles

Homodent and hetrodent

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advantage of viviparity


ram ventilation

venticular proventicular stomach

non shivering thermogenesis

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mammary glands

type of flights

negative pressure mechanism

countercurrent exchange




ZOO202 Animal Diversity Chordates  vu past papers by getready


Reproduction in tunicates : 


Tunicates are generally hermaphrodites that sexually reproduce by cross-fertilization. That means that an individual does not use its own sperm to fertilize its eggs. Instead, they obtain sperm released into the open ocean by other individuals. Fertilization is usually internal. 


Nitrogenous excretion in fishes: 


Fishes in water excrete ammonia as the major nitrogenous waste through gills, but gills of airbreathing fishes are modified for air-breathing or largely replaced by air-breathing organs. 


spectacles definition: 


Lenses set in a frame that holds them in front of the eyes, used to correct errors of refraction or to protect the eyes. 


Examples of annilids: 


1= Earthworm. 2=Leeches. 3= Lugworms. 4= Polychaetes. 


What is preening?  


Preening is a maintenance behaviour found in birds that involves the use of the beak to position feathers, interlock feather barbules that have become separated, clean plumage, and keep ectoparasites in check. 


Define pheromones: 


A pheromone is a chemical that an animal produces which changes the behavior of another animal of the same species. Some describe pheromones as behavior-altering agents. 


define cirri: 


a cirri is a long, thin structure in an animal similar to a tentacle but generally lacking the tentacle's strength, flexibility, thickness, and sensitivity. 


Arrector pili muscle: 


A band of smooth muscle, called the arrector pili muscle. Arrector pili muscles are under the control of the autonomic nervous system, which also controls a mammal’s “fight-or-flight” response.This is a tiny muscle that attaches to the base of a hair follicle at one end and to dermal tissue on the other end. In order to generate heat when the body is cold, the arrector pili muscles contract all at once, causing the hair to "stand up straight" on the skin. 


Convergent evolution: 


Convergent evolution is when different organisms independently evolve similar traits. For example, sharks and dolphins look relatively similar despite being entirely unrelated. 


Define amphibians:  


Amphibians are small vertebrates that need water, or a moist environment, to survive. The species in this group include frogs, toads, salamanders, and newts. 


Difference between monoestrus, diestrus, and polyestrus: 


Monoestrous animals are those which have only one oestrous cycle in a year and hence breed only once a year. 


Diestrus is a period of sexual quiescence that intervenes between two periods of estrus. 


polyestrus having several estrus cycles annually or during a breeding season. 


Altricial and precocial: 


Altricial are being hatched or born or having young that are hatched or born in a very immature and helpless condition so as to require care for some time. 


Precocial: (young bird or other animal) hatched or born in an advanced state and able to feed itself almost immediately. 


4 unique charateristics of chordates: 


At developmental stages: 


1= Presence of notochord 2= Presence of nervechord 3= Presence of post-annel tail 4= Presence of phyrengial slites  


Role of salivary glands in lamprey: 


When lampreys attack host fishes to suck blood and flesh, their buccal glands could secrete enough proteins to suppress blood coagulation, nociception, oxidative stress, immune response, as well as other adverse effects encountered during their parasitic lives. 


zoo202 past papers solved by getready | zoo202 short notes | vu past papers 



Give an example of urochordates? 


Tunicates or sea squirts. 


What is Aestivations? 


 Aestivation (Latin: aestas (summer); also spelled estivation in American English) is a state of animal dormancy, similar to hibernation, although taking place in the summer rather than the winter. 


What is hibernacula?  


Individuals that are usually solitary may migrate to a common site to spend the  winter. Heat loss from these groups, called hibernacula. 


What is hibernation?  


Hibernation is a period of winter inactivity in which the hypothalamus of the brain slows the metabolic, heart, and respiratory rates.  In preparation for hibernation,mammals usually accumulate large quantities of body fat.  


What is PLUMAGE? 


The covering of feathers on a bird is called the plumage. 


what is annuli? 


Earthworms' bodies are made up of ring-like segments called annuli. These segments are covered in setae. 


What is ecdysis? 

The process of shedding the old skin (in reptiles) or casting off the outer cuticle (in insects and other arthropods). 


Homodont and heterodont: 




 In reptiles, the teeth are uniformly conical, a condition referred to as homodont 


 In mammals, the teeth are often specialized for different functions, a condition called heterodont. 




Types of flight?  

1= Gliding flight: during gliding flight the wing is stationary, and a bird loses altitude. 


Waterfowl coming in for a landing use gliding flight  


2= Flapping flight: generates the power for flight and is the most common type of flying. Many variations in wing shape and flapping patterns result in species-specific speed and maneuverability  


3= Soaring flight allows some birds to remain airborne with little energy expenditure. During soaring, wings are essentially stationary, and the bird utilizes updrafts and air currents to gain altitude. Hawks, vultures, and other soaring birds are frequently observed circling along mountain valleys, soaring down-wind to pick up speed and then turning upwind to gain altitude.  4= Hovering flight. They hover in still air by fanning their wings back and forth (50 to 80 beats per second) to remain suspended in front of a flower or feeding station. Eg Hummingbirds.  


Shivering and non shivering?  




 Shivering thermogenesis is muscular activity that generates large amounts of heat but little movement.  



Nonshivering thermogenesis involves heat production by general cellular metabolism and the metabolism of special fat deposits called brown fat.  






Difference bw ventricles and proventriculus?  


 The ventriculus, or muscular stomach (also known as the “gizzard”), contains two opposing sets of muscles used for grinding food. 


The proventriculus, or glandular stomach, is continuous with the esophagus at the level of the base of the heart and contains digestive 


(pepsinogen-secreting) and mucous glands. 



Define hair?   

 Hair is a keratinized derivative of the epidermis of the skin and is uniquely mammalian. It is seated in an invagination of the epidermi 

zoo202 past papers
zoo202 pastpapers 
zoo202 short notes | vu past papers