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FinalTrem Paper BIO201 Cell Bio 



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TH2 cells mainly help to activate :

a)     T cells

b)     B cells

c)      MHC I molecules

d)     MHC II molecules



Which of the following stabilizes cell shape

a)     DNA

b)     Actin

c)      Myosin

d)     RNA



Fibroblast cells can be induced to proliferate by treatment with ..............

a)     Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)

b)     Epidermal growth factor (EGF)

c)      Both (EGF) and (PDGF)

d)     None



Even in the absence of antigen humans can make more than..................................................................................................... different

antibody molecules.


a) 10120

b) 1210

c) 1012

d)      10112

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The        immune system, like the       system, can remember prior experiences

a)     Adaptive, nervous

b)     Adaptive, respiratory

c)      Innate, nervous

d)     Activated, metabolic





Inhibitor that binds to a site other than active site of enzyme

a)     Competitive inhibitor

b)     Reversible inhibitor

c)      IRReversible inhibitor

d)     Non competitive inhibitor


Condition in which cells have specific binding

a)     cell recognition

b)     cell communication

c)      cell adhesion

d)     a & c

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In circular form, glucose molecule can adapt alpha or beta configuration. In beta glucose, OH group is pointing ------ while in case of alpha OH group is in ---------


a)      Upward, downward

b)      Downward, upward

c)       Upward, linear

d)      Upward, linear


People with additional Y chromosome have external appearance

a)     Abnormal

b)     Normal

c)      None

d)     May be normal or abnormal


Which one is the product of genetic engineering

a)     Insulin

b)     Quina

c)      Plasmid

d)     Fatty acids

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Which one is initiation codon

a)     UGA

b)     AUG

c)      UAG

d)     UAA



Function of Golgi apparatus is


a)     Packaging and transportation of proteins

b)     egradation of proteins

c)      Homeostasis

d)     Cell movement

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An average globular cell have--- mitochondria

a) 100,000

b) 10,000

c) 1,000

d) 100



Chromosome fibres consist of

a)     DNA and protein

b)     phosphate bonds

c)      nucleosomes

d)     protein only



Microtubules which are not attached to the chromosomes are

a)     Mitotic Centre

b)     Centrosomes

c)      Polar microtubules

d)     Polar microtubules


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The number of appearance of chromosomes in the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell is called

a)     Prototype

b)     Genetic makeup

c)      Karyotype

d)     Karyotype





HIV is


a)     DNA virus

b)     RNA virus

c)      Herpes virus

d)     Adeno virus



Structure formed by many folding of polypeptide chain

a)     Primary protein structure

b)     Secondary protein structure

c)      Tertiary protein structure

d)     Quaternary protein structure




Ribosomes are engaged in:

a)     Lipid synthesis

b)     Protein synthesis

c)      DNA synthesis

d)     Sugar synthesis


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                     are removed during RNA maturation.


a)     Introns

b)     Exons

c)      Intron-Exon boundaries

d)     Promoter region only


TH2 cells mainly help to activate :

a)     T cells

b)     MHC I molecules

c)      B cells

d)     MHC II molecules



Mendel donated dominant and recessive traits as

a)     Ss and ss

b)     SS and ss

c)      ss and Ss

d)     SS and SS



Structure of protein is

a)     One dimensional

b)     Two dimensional

c)      Three dimensional

d)     Four dimensional



The fusion of membranes from same compartment is termed as

a)     Heterotypic fusion

b)     Homotypic fusion

c)      Hemitypic fusion

d)     Hemitypic fusion

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Which one of the following substances in immune system causes capillaries to dilate and become leaky?


a)     Amino acids

b)     Thymine

c)      Carbohydrates

d)     Histamine



On which site a substrate binds on an enzyme........

a)     Peptidal site

b)     Active site

c)      Binding site

d)     Catalytic site


For optimal activity of hydrolytic enzymes, lysosome maintains a pH about a) 7.0

b) 5.0

c) 3.0

d) 9.0


Which one of the following helps in stimulating breast cells to produce milk?

a)     STAT 1

b)     Erythropoietin

c)      Prolactin

d)     Interferon



Proteins which are fully translocated across Endoplasmic reticulum and are embedded in it

a)     Transmembrane proteins

b)     Water soluble proteins

c)      Extrinsic proteins

d)     Extrinsic proteins



Activation energy of an enzymatic reaction is

a)     Low

b)     High

c)      Intermediate

d)     All



Ran GTPase is a molecular switch that exist in

a)     2 states

b)     6 states

c)      8 states

d)     4 states



------------is one of the example of Coenzyme

a)     Iron

b)     Zinc

c)      NAD

d)     Haeme



An oncogene after mutation produces one of abnormal condition

a)     Kidney stones

b)     Encephalopathy

c)      Diabetes

d)     Cancer



Enzyme used in PCR process


a)     Thermus hydrophila

b)     Thermus punctata

c)      Thermus aquaticus

d)     Thermus fario



Bacterial DNA is present in

a)     Nucleoid

b)     Nucleolus

c)      Nucleus

d)     Nucleoplasm



Dendritic cells use on of following signal to guide helper T cells to effector T cells

a)     IL-4

b)     IL-3

c)      IL-2

d)     IL-1



Genes are located in the nucleus and tangled charamatin material wrapped around histones in ............

a)     Both Eukarotes and Prokaryotes

b)     Eukaryotes

c)      Prokaryotes

d)     None of these



Organisms shuffle genes by

a)     Meiosis

b)     Mitosis

c)      binary fission

d)     multiple fission

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Inactive "Intracellular Receptors" (ICR) may occur ......

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a)     free moving in plasma

b)     Occur in cytoplasm

c)      Occur as DNA bound

d)     Both (Occur in cytoplasm) and (DNA bound)



The cells which are activated initially by recognizing foreign antigen on APC

a)     B cells

b)     Macrophages

c)      B and T cells

d)     T cells



a) Lipids are……………..

a)  insoluble, hydrophobic molecule

b)       soluble, hydrophilic molecules

c)       basic molecule

d)       acidic molecule



How many times an average cell divide before it gets unhealthy

a)     25 times

b)     50 times

c)      75 times

d)     100 times




                     are removed during RNA maturation.

a)     Introns

b)     Promoter region only

c)      Intron-Exon boundaries

d)     Exons


T.H.Morgan observed


a)     Independent assortment of genes

b)     Gene linkage

c)      Segregation of genes

d)     Fertilization



Cholera toxin prevents..........


a)     Hydrolysis of GTP to GDP

b)     Formation of ATP



If you think answers wrong then correct please. I just copied data. (Talha Waraich)

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c)      Formation of GTP

d)     None of these



Which one is larger sex chromosome

a)     X

b)     Y

c)      XY

d)     None


Stitching two different DNAs together is

a)     Replication

b)     Genetic engineering

c)      Translation

d)     Transcription


Philadelphia chromosome is a chromosomal translocation between chromosome     and    .

a) 5 & 6

b) 7 & 21

c) 1 & 2

d) 9 & 22



Cyanobacteria are type of bacteria that have

a)     Cyanocide

b)     Nucleus

c)      Chlorophyll

d)     Mitochondria


The        immune system, like the       system, can remember prior experiences

a)     Adaptive, respiratory

b)     Adaptive, nervous

c)      Innate, nervous

d)     Activated, metabolic



Chromosome fibres consist of

a)     protein only

b)     nucleosomes

c)      DNA and protein

d)     phosphate bond


How many types of bacterial colony were used by Freddrick Griffith in his experiment

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a)     2

b)     4

c)      6

d)     8


Endoplasmic reticulum is composed of rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum and plays important role in -------------------------

a)     Sorting and modifying protein

b)     Sorting protein

c)      Modifying protein

d)     Degrading protein




There are............. lymphocytes in the human body, making the immune system

comparable in cell mass to the liver or brain a) 2 × 1210

b) 2 × 1021

c) 2 × 1012

d)   12 × 1012



Genes are located in the nucleus and tangled charamatin material wrapped around histones in ..........

a)     Both Eukarotes and Prokaryotes

b)     Eukaryotes

c)      Prokaryotes

d)     None of these



If one gene prevent the expression of other gene

a)     Pleiotropy

b)     Epistasis

c)      Synapse

d)     Tetrad






The fusion of membranes from same compartment is termed as

a)     Heterotypic fusion

b)     Homotypic fusion

c)      Hemitypic fusion

d)     Hypotypic fusion



Approximately, How many years ago life orignated.....

a) 4,000,000,000

b) 4,000,000,000, 000,000

c) 4,000,000,000,000


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Proteins which are fully translocated across Endoplasmic reticulum and are embedded in it

a)     Intinsic proteins

b)     Extrinsic proteins

c)      Water soluble proteins

d)     Water soluble proteins



Phenylalanine hydroxylase metabolizes

a)     Phenylalanine to Lysine

b)     Phenylalanine to Tyrosine

c)      Tyrosine to Phenylalanine

d)     Lysine to Phenylalanine



Activation of Phospholipase C-β a) 10%

b) 90%

c) 20%

d) 1%



Mental retardation is caused by

a)     Leishmaniasis

b)     Cystic fibrosis

c)      Phenylketonuria

d)     Sickle cell anemia



The agent that is used as cryoprotectant is

a)     KMNO4

b)     Acetic acid

c)      EDTA

d)     DMSO




cell membrane intake particles by vesicle formation

a)     Endocytosis

b)     Exocytosis

c)      Pinocytosis

d)     Phagocytosis




In 2014 it was reported that one of following proteins in blood is helpful in cure of Alzheimer’s disease and heart disease

a)      A 11

b)      A12

c)       A13

d)      A14


Undefferentiated cells of multicellular organisms which can develope into specialized cells

a)     Hepatocytes

b)     Degenerative cells

c)      Mast cells

d)     Stem cells

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Autocrine signals bind to the receptors on the cells, which ...........

a)     are arround them

b)     has no involvement of the receptors

c)      Adjacent Cells

d)     Cells that secrete them




People with additional Y chromosome have external appearance

a)     Normal

b)     Abnormal

c)      May be normal or abnormal

d)     None



Helices that are/is involved in agonist binding are

a)     Helix 6

b)     Helix 5

c)      Helix 3

d)     All



The lipids molecules held together by weak interactions and

a)     Van der waals forces

b)     Hydrogen bonds

c)      Isotonic bonds

d)     Esterase bonds



β-blockers (antagonist) are involved in

a)     Bind to receptor by not activating it

b)     None of these

c)      Mimicking the function of a hormone

d)     Making the hormone activity better



a)     Initiation site of transcription

b)     Co factor

c)      Promoter

d)     Active site

e)      Effective site




Sex related disorders are

a)     X- related

b)     Y- related

c)      XY- related

d)     XYZ - related



Which one is initiation codon

a)     UAG

b)     AUG

c)      UGA

d)     UAA


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Function of G protein in vision may involve.....

a)     Removal of NADPH

b)     Production of ATP

c)      Inactivation of K+ channels

d)     Activation of Phospholipase C-β



Calmodulin is about.... % of total cell protein mass

a) 10%

b) 20%

c) 90%

d) 1%



The agent that is used as cryoprotectant is

a)     Acetic acid

b)     KMNO4

c)      DMSO

d)     EDTA



In prometaphase I, only ONE of the following occurs:

a)     Sister chromatids start pairing up

b)     Centrosomes start moving to the opposite poles and form microtubules

c)      Condensation of DNA material

d)     Disintegration of the nuclear membrane



In 2014 it was reported that one of following proteins in blood is helpful in cure of Alzheimer’s disease and heart disease

a)     A11

b)     A12

c)      A 13

d)     A 14



Undefferentiated cells of multicellular organisms which can develope into specialized cells

a)     Mast cells

b)     Hepatocytes

c)      Stem cells

d)     Degenerative cells



Once the genetic information has passed on to the next generation, it does not

a)     change

b)     inherit to next generation

c)      remove

d)     remove



Both (Occur in cytoplasm) and (DNA bound)

a)     Addition of phosphate group

b)     Removal of phosphate group

c)      Both addition and removal and thrionine residues of phosphate group

d)     Phosphorylation of specific serine



The fusion of membranes from same compartment is termed as

a)     Heterotypic fusion

b)     Hemitypic fusion

c)      Homotypic fusion

d)     Hypotypic fusion

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For optimal activity of hydrolytic enzymes, lysosome maintains a pH about a) 3.0

b) 3.0

c) 5.0

d) 7.0


Phosphorylation signaling in the E. coli alters

a)     Kinase acctivity

b)     Transcription factor

c)      Responder function

d)     Protein synthesis


Proteins which are partly translocated across Endoplasmic reticulum and are embedded in it

a)     Transmembrane proteins

b)     Water soluble proteins

c)      Intrinsic proteins

d)     Extrinsic proteins



Ran GTPase is a molecular switch that exist in

a)      2 states

b)      4 states

c)       6 states

d)      8 states


How many protein molecules an animal cell contains

a)     5 billion

b)     10 billion

c)      15 billion

d)     20 billion


Autocrine signals bind to the receptors on the cells, which ...........

a)     are arround them

b)     Cells that secrete them

c)      Adjacent Cells

d)     has no involvement of the receptors



An oncogene after mutation produces one of abnormal condition

a)     Diabetes

b)     Kidney stones

c)      Encephalopathy

d)  Cancer Q Dendritic

cells use on of following signal to guide helper T cells to effector T cells

a)     IL-1

b)     IL-3

c)      IL-4

d)     IL-2



The cells which are activated initially by recognizing foreign antigen on APC

a)     B cells

b)     B and T cells

c)      Macrophages

d)     T cells



         are passed on to the daughter cells after mitosis but not passed on to the children.

a)     Germ line mutations

b)     Point mutations

c)      Somatic mutations

d)     Chromosomal mutations


Philadelphia chromosome is a chromosomal translocation between chromosome     and    .

a) 7 & 21

b) 1 & 2

c) 9 & 22


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d) 5 & 6


The        immune system, like the       system, can remember prior experiences

a)     Adaptive, nervous

b)     Adaptive, respiratory

c)      Innate, nervous

d)     Activated, metabolic



Even in the absence of antigen humans can make more than..................................................................................................... different

antibody molecules.

a)      10120

b)      1210

c)      1012

d)      10112



Undefferentiated cells of multicellular organisms which can develope into specialized cells


a)     Mast cells

b)     Stem cells

c)      Hepatocytes

d)     Degenerative cells



For optimal activity of hydrolytic enzymes, lysosome maintains a pH about


a) 3.0

b) 5.0

c) 7.0

d) 9.0




Ran GTPase is a molecular switch that exist in

a)     2 states

b)     4 states

c)      6 states

d)     8 states



How many protein molecules an animal cell contains

a)     5 billion

b)     10 billion

c)      15 billion

d)     20 billion


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There are............. lymphocytes in the human body, making the immune system

comparable in cell mass to the liver or brain

a)      2 × 1210

b) 2 × 1012

c) 2 × 1021

d)   12 × 1012



An oncogene after mutation produces one of abnormal condition Diabetes

a)     Kidney stones

b)     Encephalopathy

c)      Encephalopathy

d)     Cancer



The cells which are activated initially by recognizing foreign antigen on APC

a)     B cells

b)     T cells

c)      B and T cells

d)     Macrophages



            are passed on to the daughter cells after mitosis but not passed on to the children.

a)     Germ line mutations

b)     Somatic mutations

c)      Point mutations

d)     Chromosomal mutations



Philadelphia chromosome is a chromosomal translocation between chromosome     and    .

a) 9 & 22

b) 1 & 2

c) 7 & 21

d) 5 & 6



Which one of the following gene is mutated in approximately 30% of all human tumors?

a)     BRCA1 gene

b)     EFGR gene

c)      RAS gene

d)     all of the above



Genes are located in the nucleus and tangled charamatin material wrapped around histones in ............

a)     Both Eukarotes and Prokaryotes

b)     Eukaryotes

c)      Prokaryotes

d)     None of these



Even in the absence of antigen humans can make more than..................................................................................................... different

antibody molecules.

a)      10120

b)      1012

c)      1210

d)      10112



Which one of the following helps in stimulating breast cells to produce milk?

a)     STAT 1

b)     Interferon

c)      Erythropoietin

d)     Prolactin


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Which one of the followings protein is activated when DNA is damaged,

a)     Histone

b)     Kinase

c)      Actin

d)     Albumin



Which one of the following substances in immune system causes capillaries to dilate and become leaky?

a)     Amino acids

b)    Thymine

c)      Histamine

d)     Carbohydrates




Some of the genes those who remain expressed all the time in cells are called?

a)     Differentially expressed genes

b)     Constitutively expressed genes

c)      Housekeeping genes

d)     Both housekeeping and constitutive genes


a)     Which one of the following substances in immune system causes capillaries to dilate and become leaky?

b)     Thymine

c)      Amino acids

d)     Histamine

e)      Carbohydrates


Which one of the following helps in stimulating breast cells to produce milk?

a)     Erythropoietin

b)     Prolactin

c)      Interferon

d)     STAT 1


Which one of the followings protein is activated when DNA is damaged,

a)     Actin

b)     Kinase

c)      Histone

d)     Albumin


What is the role of MHC in immunity? Enlist some major differences between MHC I and MHC II molecules.



What is the homotypic and heterotypic fusion and how it forms?



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Differentiate Euchromatin and Heterochramatin



What is the homotypic and heterotypic fusion and how it forms?



Give the detail of events taking place at synapse at an activated neuromuscular junction?



Differentiate between B cells and T cells?



Please enlist the strategies of transcription regulation...........



How UV light help to sterilization the equipment.....




Please elaborate the different stages of the cell cycle..........



How a sheep can be cloned through nuclear transfer, provide details in the form of steps?



Describe the two signaling function of N-terminal ER signal sequence of a soluble protein.....



How do terbutaline and β-blockers affect the function of Epinephrin adrenaline?



Name five major growth promoting oncogenes.



Whar are Stress Response Elements.......................




Please enlist the strategies of transcription regulation...........



Give the detail of events taking place at synapse at an activated neuromuscular junction?



Name five major growth promoting oncogenes.



What are the Stem cells and how they differ from the specialized cells?



Differentiate the "confluent monolayer" and "past confluency" stages......



Please elaborate the different stages of the cell cycle..........



Please elaborate the different stages of the cell cycle..........




Write detailed mechanism of TGF- β receptor family? Q

How G protein is involved in the formation of GDP ultimately Q

Write detailed mechanism of TGF- β receptor family?