ENG 201 Solved Quiz By GetReady

ENG 201 Solved Quiz By GetReady

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1.                               Which of the following familiar expressions is correct replacement for ‘lucrative’? 


2.                               Verbs and                              are more concrete   than adverbs and adjectives. 


3.                               The good organization of the content means                      Both of the above

4.                               Did the doctor look              your leg?


5.                               ‘I left smoking long ago’                  

I gave up smoking long ago


6.                               How can you make your message forceful?


By using comparisons, By using figurative language……both


7.                               Which one of the following phrases are likely to offend and should be avoided?


I must refuse, we must deny


8.                               A computer programmer will write a/an                       to gain specific information about an upcoming release of a software product from XYZ company.

Inquiry letter


9.                                In bad news messages, the                        is of crucial importance. Tone

10.                            A bad News message always begins with a                       that provides a transmission to the refusal.


Neutral statement


11.                            In a business message, the words freedom, prestige, compassion, free, and comfort evoke    feelings.



12.                            If you are using letterhead stationery, include only the        . Two lines below the bottom of the letterhead.



13.                             Business messages generally have                        purposes. Three

14.                            With restructuring of companies, communications are now created mainly by


All employees


15.                            Select the option which is an example of a clear and coherent sentence. His report focused on age and gender of managers

16.                            Eriq is just like all the French, so dismissive of Americans. The sentence contains


Racial Bais


17.                            The patient shows normal                     and appears to be psychologically stable. Affect

18.                            Which of the following words fall in the category of unfamiliar words? Ascertain and Peruse……Both

19.                            Full-Time college students should spend at least six hours a week studying if you want to succeed.


If they want to succeed


20.                                                  at the moment. I’ll get to the market.


As it isn’t raining


21.                            Which of the following helps you to focus meeting on the core of topics and control its pace and flow?



22.                            The purpose of giving complete                       is to ensure that the audience has no confusion or lingering doubt about the message.

Supporting details


23.                                                minutes are often required by federal, state, or local law, by-laws, charters, or regulations in any organization.



24.                            A sales letter is a document designed to generate sales; therefore. It persuades the reader to    

All options


25.                            Mathematics                John’s favorite subject, while Civics is Andrea’s favorite subject.




26.                            In business communications use the                       format if the document will be sent to outside individuals.



27.                                                    is one of the cores of concreteness. Grammar

28.                                                                           makes a statement of support for a candidate by assessing the applicant’s qualities and capabilities for performing a particular task.

Recommendation letters


29.                            When you are dissatisfied with a company’s product or service, which of the following is the best option?

Written claim letter


30.                            Mr. John will



the report.


31.                            Select the option which gives the exact meaning of the verb accept’ Receive

32.                            When punctuation marks are omitted in the opening and closing lines of a letter, the punctuation style is called.



33.                            Which of the following is the most important part of indirect plan? Buffer

34.                            What is a common mistake made in writing persuasive messages? Using you perspective

35.                                                            words are usually more vivid than long ones and improve the readability of a document.


Short words


36.                            Which of the following transitional markers shows ‘additional details’?


: moreover, furthermore, in addition, besides…All


37.                            There are



types of minutes


38.                            They talked about things and persons         they remembered. That

39.                            An order latter is also known as a                       or purchase order letter, it begins the paper trail of a specific purchase.



40.                            They saw a parking space                       two cars and drove                       it. Between/ into

41.                                                       share a general document architecture, which is usually modified to suit specific circumstances.



42.                            The message senders need to assess their message from the eyes of the                       to be sure that they have included all the relevant information


43.                            English                is constantly charging


Language and pronunciation……both


44.                            What is style in writing?


Style is the way of using words to achieve a certain tone or overall impression

in wirting


45.                            When placing                      you don’t need to excite your reader’s interest, just stale your needs clearly and directly



46.                            The                    of an order letter is to provide the vendor with detailed instruction for fulfilling an order.



47.                            The persuasive message gives                       to the audience. A free choice

48.                            Which one of the following is a specialized prepared to share relevant information with the media?

An e-mail


49.                            Most organization rely on          for their existence. Successful proposal writing

50.                            If you                          anything to say, just speak out.




51.                          means preparing every message with the message receiver in mind. Consideration

52.                            Choose the following verb from the following options. Produce

53.                            Solicited and unsolicited are types of                       



54.                            In bad news messages, you as a business person need to help your audience understand the under the circumstances, your decision was                       and reasonable.



55.                            Functional words express relationships among content words. True

56.                                                                                                       The main idea of a business message is usually                        which is/are concisely stated.


One idea


57.                                                are an essential component of almost all admissions, grant and employment processes.



58.                            Concreteness does not make use of denotative words instead of connotative words


59.                            The selection of format, style and organization of a report is done independent of the reader’s requirement.



60.                            Sarah washed the apples           them in the fridge. And put

61.                            Will you please provide the details of the equipment utilization for the last quarter? This statement is an example of;

A routine inquiry


62.                            A message which                  in a reliable and competent manner is labeled as a credible message.

Completes an idea


63.                            In a coherent sentence the words are arranged so that the ideas clearly express the intended meaning.



64.                            Where’s                       USB drive I lent you last week ? The

65.                            In                    the organization sends out uninvited messages to sell a product or service. Persuasive and formal reports…both

66.                            A letter of                       asks someone for specific information. Inquiry

67.                            Either answers                       acceptable. Is

68.                            Which one of the following is an example of a nonverbal message? Eye contact

69.                            Which of the following is not a general purpose common to business communication? To negotiate

70.                            Concise business writing includes                        

None of the above and sentences ……both options


71.                            One should be careful about the chances of being            while making a direct request.



72.                            Mr. Ms and Mrs Are


Recipient titles


73.                            A memorandum is a document which is. All options

74.                                                                                                         In business communication use the                        format if the information is being sent inside an organization.



75.                            In business communication use the                       format if the document will be sent to outside individuals



76.                                                              is considered to be the best attitude in business environment.



77.                                  One of the aspects of editing a message is to                              Install editing software

78.                            When it doubt, use the more familiar words; audience will understand them better. This is the ‘golden rule of          



79.                                                      is achieved through a balance between precise language and familiar language



80.                            In a                              sentence the words are arranged so that the ideas clearly express the intended meaning.



81.                            Which of the following is the first and the most essential step in writing bad news messages?



82.                             The mechanical insertion of ‘ phase’ and ‘ thank you’ does not ensure                                                 Courtesy

83.                            Which of the following is a part of an indirect plan? All options

84.                                              are an essential component of almost all admissions, grant and employment processes as it provides a statement of support for a candidate.

References and recommendations


85.                                                Words are usually more vivid than long ones and improve the readability of a document.



86.                            Any information against the expectations of                       is considered bad news. All options

87.                            Adjustment letter is a letter in answer to a                       letter. The answer may either be a refusal or a grant



88.                            The quality that gives force to important parts of sentences and paragraphs is




89.                            Content words (nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs ) have both a denotative meaning as well as connotative meaning.



90.                             When no special persuasion is needed, the use of             is recommended. Direct request

91.                            A good business letter is simple and straightforward without being harsh or                       . Patronizing

92.                            Keep your                             simple and focused, so the purpose of your letter is clear. Letter

93.                            Which type of letter can be used as a legal document to show the transaction between the customer and vendor?

Order letter


94.                            Consideration simply means that the writer shows            in his communication style.




95.                            Breaking the longer sentences into shorter ones improves                                             Readability

96.                            Which of the following is associated with scholarly writing? Formal writing

97.                            What are you doing     the weekend? On

98.                            Which of the following aspects are covered by the words ‘report’?


Both a&b


99.                            The lawyer          his relative innocent. Aims to prove

100.                                                                Acknowledgments are appropriate for               Larger orders

101.                                                                                         letter is written you want to recognize someone for his help or support when you were in trouble




102.                             The aim of a                is to establish a working relationship to make it happen. Business proposal

103.                             Which of the following letter accompanies a larger item, usually a document? Transmittal letter

104.                           Getting the meaning from your head accurately to the reader is the purpose of




105.                          Credit references are generally used to determine the credit of a person or individual True

106.                                 Communication that seems inconsequential can become very important if information it contains is                                       

Complete and effective


107.                                                    Generally speaking, in business we communicate                


To both persuade and inform


108.                                                                                         are considered binding contracts, so one should avoid implying offers or promises that can’t be delivered

sales letter

109.                             While composing a business message, choose words that                          be misinterpreted.



110.                             Most organizations rely on             for their existence. Meeting with companies

111.                                                                                            at the beginning of a persuasive request shows the reader that you know about his or her concerns and you have some reasons for making such.

An attention getting device


112.                             In the body of a business letter, what goes between each paragraph? Two space if hand written

113.                             A memorandum may take the form of                          . Skype chat

114.                             In which direction does communication flow in a formal communication network? Downward

115.                             In the                      of a job application letter you have to refer to your enclosed resume and express your desire for an interview, stating when and how you can be

End matter


116.                                                      in AIDA plan is the opportunity to remind readers of the benefits of

taking the particular action.


Attention phase


117.                                                                                      business people inform customers about the benefits of a product/action so the customers can recognize how ell the product/action will fill their need.




118.                             With restructuring of companies, communications are row created mainly by


Supervisors/ managers

119.                             Mr. ali our English teacher, believes that students who major in economics or physics       their imaginations



120.                             His birthday is coming                          next week. Up

121.                             The fans at the back of the theatre and that woman in front                          making too much noise.



122.                             When you letter extends onto a second page you should use                          for the second page

Plain Paper


123.                             Whether written or oral,                          messages begin with a clear statement of the main idea, clarify any necessary details and end with a courteous close



124.                             Neither my brothers nor my father        attended college Have

125.                             Which of the following elements relate to the organizing direct request?



Main idea, necessary detail and specific action


126.                             Which format should be used if the information is being sent inside an organization?



127.                             Biased language that might offend the audience is based on                         . All options

128.                             Therefore, Because, accordingly, thus, hence are used for                                            Additional details

129.                             While placing an order, there is no need to                 

Force your reader


130.                             One of the major flaws of a failed communication is         


Fixed explanations


131.                             A/An                     letter is a letter in answer to a complaint letter. The answer may either be a refusal or a grant.



132.                             Which one of the following is the best expression to use with the customers for payment demand.

Please send your payment so we can proceed with your order.


133.                             She looked                    from her book when she heard the noise. Up


134.                             Which of the following statements is part of persuasion in oral presentation? Gaining willing acceptance of an idea

135.                             When you turn your ideas into a message, you are the     




136.                             The reactions of a colleague or a prospective customer to an incomplete answer are likely to be        



137.                             Documents that are meant to ‘enact’ something include authorization memoranda and         

Acceptance letters

138.                             Briefing, goodwill, information and report are part of                          speaking. Public

139.                             Effective business communication is not                    




140.                             The performance of our players was rather                       

Worse than I had expected


141.                             Why important observations, suggestions , or objections should be written? 

            All options

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