CS101 final term past papers 2023 by getready


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 CS101 final term past papers 2023 by getready 

1)      Write the DoS phases name (3 Marks)

 2)      What is Good presentation characteristics, and what is the normal text size using in presentation. (5 Marks)


3)      What is virus & Name of First virus where it was designed? (3 Marks)


4   Consider the following scenario in which the developer divides the problem into different chunks.

§   The developer divides the admin functionality into 14 chunks.

§   The developer divides the user functionality into 2 chunks.



5)      Now you are required to mention that the developer approach is correct or not according to the heuristics? If correct then why and if incorrect then what will be the correct approach? (5 Marks)


6)      Code using java script to find the even number between 0-20 (5 Marks)



7)      What will be the output of the following (HTML + JavaScript) code? (5 Marks)






var Mod,num; num=7; Mod=num%2;

var FName="Asad"; var LName="Ali";

var String="His name is 'Asad Ali'";


document.write(FName + "<br>"); document.write(LName + "<br>"); document.write(String + "<br>"); document.write(FName[3] + "<br>"); document. write (Mod);







8)      Match with the correct Option from Column B and write into Column C



Column A

Column B

Column C

Syntactic Web/Web

Designed for

humans + computers


Intelligent Systems




Video Conferencing


Immortal Minds



Optical Material

Designed for Humans



Semantic Web








9)      While writing pseudo code there are some tips that should be followed. You are required to complete the missing tips on writing pseudo codes by selecting the correct choice in given table. (3 marks)


Tips on writing pseudo code

Select correct choice

Make your pseudo code language                    

Independent \ dependent

Write pseudo code in an                fashion

Unambiguous \ ambiguous

            formulas over English language descriptions

Prefer \ Don’t prefer





 CS101 final term past papers 2023 by getready| vu past papers |



1)  Raster/Bitmap graphics


2)  Arrays in JavaScript


3)  A bank Database Administrator have error in database with conflict free data entry, what should he do?


4)  HTML page for file upload having browse and submit query buttons


5)  Write 3 Virus like programs


6)  Arrays, name "nameArray" of 5 elements. What will be its 1st and final name?


7)  Network types according to accessibility


1)     Star topology and ring topology

2)     For Loop kai parts

3)     onload -onfocus -onblur - submit -reset ki examples in javascript coding

4)     Artificial Intelligence Vs Face recognition justify karna tha

5)     Relational database kai questions  5 thai kai Data Redundancy kaisai solve hogi

6)     Team leaders ki responsibilities