BT201 Final Term Solved MCQ's By GetReady


BT201 FINAL TERM Solved MCQS by Getready

BT201 Final Term Solved MCQ's By GetReady

1.            On Island and habitat patches on continents Species richness increases with area and decreases with isolation

2.            Succession in the intertidal zone require                 1 to 3 years

3.               Highest rate terrestrial primary production occur under             Warm and Moist Conditions

4.                           in physical and chemical conditions across aquatic and terrestrial environment can account for significant portion of the diversity among plank tonic algae and terrestrial plants Heterogeneity

5.            The refuges that promote the persistence of hosts and prey include  Secure places to which the exploiter has limited access

6.               The environment Limits population growth by            _ Changing Birth and Death rates

7.            An environment in which resources are patchy also fosters     Clumped Distribution

8.            Eusociality is               More complex level of social behavior, which is considered to be the pinnacle of social evolution

9.            The most familiar relative measures of water content of air isRelative humidity

10.           The rate at which organism can take in energy is             either by external or internal constraints


11.        The earth ecosystem interacting with physical environment as a whole maintained a steady state system intermediate in the flow of energy between the high energy input of the sun and thermal sink of space is called Biosphere

12.        1st multi-cellular organism found in China as carbonaceous filament were 1.8 Billion years

13.        Multicellular algae appear as carbonaceous filament from                    old rock of china_1.8 Billion years

14.        Human is in which order Primate

15.        Maximum parsimony assumes that the                 (appearances of shared derived characters) is the most likely the Tree that requires the fewest evolutionaryevents

16.        Oparin in 1924 gives              Primeval soup theory

17.        In 18th Century, Carolus Linnaeus published a system of taxonomyon resemblance Two-part names of species and hierarchical classification

18.        One of the following is not example of horizontal gene transfer  Conjunction

19.        Which one of the following is not one of the positive interactions on microbe  

20.        Not Positive interaction   Competition


21.                  type of natural selection which favors more than two extreme phenotypes is Disruptive selection

22.        Which one of the following is not one of the advantages of in situ conservation The Species have less space

23.        The advantage of in-situ conservation except   The specie will not evolve in their environment.

24.        Which of the following is not common extension of omics Vaccinomics

25.        Vertebrates make                % of total animals         5%

26.        Gymnosperms means   Naked seeds

27.        Protozoa reproduce except  Parthenogenesis

28.        Number of alleles in a sample population is called    Allelic richness

29.        One of the first questions that is asked when a species is considered for whole-genome sequencing is What is the size of its genome?

30.        Modern bread wheat is a mixture of recombined genes from                                                                                                                different wild species


31.        Quinine is a drug used to treat                  Malaria

32.        Annelids are not                 Predator

33.        Specie differ from foundation species is that they are likely to belong to      higher trophic levels

34.        The           technique has now been replaced by sequencing using a mass spectrometry                                                                                                

laborious edman degradation

35.        The first genome sequenced completely was that of                  Homophilus influenza

36.        To assemble a genome from a series of sequences requires tremendous    Computational Power

37.        Community structure is measured by   Species richness and diversity

38.        A resilient community or ecosystem may be                  disrupted by disturbance but quickly return to former state Completely

39.        The ability to bounce back after disturbance is called                    Resilience

40.                  demonstrated that the influence of consumers on community structure depends upon their feeding preferences, their local population density, and the relative competitive abilities of prey species Jane lubchenko

41.        Notochord is present throughout life or at least during embryonic stages in   Chordates

42.        The field of biology specially in developing hardware and software to store and analyze the huge amount of data generated by life science is called       Bioinformatics

43.        Possibility of working with molecules on the scale of few micrometers is    Micro technology

44.        Phylogenetic Trees are evaluated in order to find the relationship among      Species, Phylum, Family, (All of given)

45.        Field experiment has                points     4 Four

46.        There are so-called              that may be used to identify ecological important genes in incompletely characterized genome Pre-genomic molecular approaches

47.                          are using these new tools to study large scale dynamic ecological phenomenon such as interannual variation           Ecologists

48.        The local population is density of the Glanville Fritillary                                                                Melitaeacinxia, is lower on larger and on isolated habitat patches          Butterfly

49.                         cells are combination of proteins synthesizing systemEukaryotic

50.        Sonoran desert plant distribution map clearly on the soils of different ages and form a                                                                                          mosaic that closely matches soil mosaic Vegetative

51.                          occur    on    nearly     exposed     geological     substrate     not                significantly    modified by organism Primary Succession

52.        Supporting evidence for endosymbiosis except                 Comes from studies of livingprokaryotic cells 53.    can be used to detect long-term ecological changes     Repeat Photography

54.           Who worked on the developing of paleontology _ Smith, Buckland, Cuvier, Brongniart

55.           A food              summarizes the feeding relation in a community Web

56.                      proposed the feeding activities of few species have inordinate influence on community structure           Robert Paine

57.        Hardy-Weinberg principle conditions necessary to maintain constant alleles frequencies in a population except   Immigration

58.                        independently expanded the logistic model of population growth to represent interspecific competition Lotka and Volterra

59.                        explored the extent and sources of morphological variation in plant population including both the influence of environment and genetics Clausen, Keck, and Hiesey

60.        The validity of field experiments depend upon several design features except Knowledge of final conditions

61.        Populations include                  variations among individuals which are significant aspect of population structure Genetic and Phenotypic effects

62.                          soon found that even these so-called simple communities included very complex feeding relations Charles Elton (1927)

If for genetic modification, genes of the species or of a crossable plant are used under control of their native promoter, then they are called        plants Cisgenic

A philosophical concept of value of something independent of its value to anything else is called   Intrinsic Value

65.        Mass spectroscopy is replaced by             Edman degradation

66.        Which of the following is an example of negative interaction                                                                                                            Amensalism

67.        The Nobel Prize winning scientist Linus Pauling Aptly described science as the                                                                                                         Search for Truth

68.        Study of transcripts that are present in an organism any time is called      Transcriptomics 69. Mass spectrometry is used to determine the sequence of      Amino acids

70.        Which of the following is not part of human genome project                US department of medicine

71.        Comparative genomics is developing an increasing array of bioinformatics techniques. Which of the following is not done       Synteny foot printing

72.        The bark of this tropical tree  contains a drug called quinine is used in the prevention of                                                                                          


73.        Phylogenetic tree are evaluated in order to find the relationship among                                                                                                               Species, Phylum, Family, (All of given)

74.        What is not true about Protein degradation              Sequencing using mass spectrometry is replaced by admen degradation

75.        Medicines from nature account for usage by              of the world’s population                                                                                80%

76.        Habitat Destruction is major cause for                  Loss of Biodiversity

77.        Coral reefs which are biodiversity hotspots will disappear in                 year20-40

78.        Plant founded in particular area is                 Flora

79.        Gregormendel's Experiments with plant hybridization led to his establishing                                                                                                              Laws of inheritance

80.        Genetic modification of plants is achieved by adding a specific gene or genes to a plant, or by knocking down a gene with  RNAI

81.        The following are major activities of plant breeding; one of the following is the correct sequence of plant breeding     Collection of variation-selection-evaluation-release(CSER)

One of the following is the is not the correct sequence of deforestation                                                                                                                Decrease in the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

83.        One of the following is NOT the part of maintaining balance of the ecosystem

food crops

        Protection of

84.        In Genome evolution Gene number & complexity of an organism

85.        Gene diversity is the variation at the level of             both at individual gene and in a population

86.        Haldane (1929) gave the              Hot, dilute soup Theory

87.        Not an example of Ex-situ Conservation                Natural park and Natural Reserves

88.        One of the following a population over subsequent generations                                                                                                                     Bad or lethal mutations

89.        The fossil record is relatively incomplete for several reasons, which one is not true statement                                                                                         

Soft tissues are mostly preserved

90.        Evolutionary fitness is a measure of                    Reproductive fitness

91.                    uses DNA and other molecular data to determine evolutionary relationships            Molecular systematic

92.        -Plant complete when                       nutrients are less .More Intensively

93.        The process of synthesis of protein is called                _Translation

94.        Conjugation is a process of             Sexual reproduction

95.        Animal eat other animals are called Predators

96.                      Group have common ancestor. Clade




1.            Humans are included in the order             PRIMATES.

2.            The field of biology specializing in storing and analyzing data    BIOINFORMATICS

3.            The possibility of working with molecules on the scale of few micrometers is called.



4.            First question asked when a species is bought for genome sequencing      WHAT IS THE SIZE OF ITS GENOME?

5.            The study of transcripts that are present at any time in the cell are called


6.            Important measures used to describe community composition are      SPECIES RICHNESS AND SPECIESDIVERSITY

7.            Vertebrates makes               %of the animals.        5%

8.            The number of allele in a sample              ALLELIC RICHNESS

9.            Mass spectrometry used to determine             sequence AMINO ACID SEQUENCE OF A PROTEIN

10.        Oparin (1924): work          PRIMEVAL SOUP” THEORY

11.        Quinine is obtained from quina it is used to treat             MALARIA

12.        The common extension of genomics are except              VACCINOMICS

13.        To assemble a genome from a series of sequence fragments requires tremendous


14.        The first genome sequenced completely was that of            HEMOFELUES INFLUENZA

15.        The       technique has now been replaced mostly by sequencing using mass spectrometry. EDMAN DEGRADATION

16.        Annelids do not have feeding style           FILTER FEEDERS

17.        Modern bread wheat is a mixture of recombined genes from 3

18.        Gymnosperms means            NAKED SEEDS

19.        Medicines from nature account for usage by            of the world population.    80%

20.        Habitat destruction is the major cause               BIODIVERSITY LOSS

21.        Coral reefs which are biodiversity hotspots will disappear in                 20 TO 40 YEARS

22.        Plants found in a particular area is             FLORA

23.        Gregor Mendel experiments with plant hybridization led to this establishing of       LAWS OF INHERITANCE

24.        Genetic modification of plant is achieved by adding a specific gene or genes to a plant or by knocking down a gene with to produce a desirable phenotype                                                                                                  . RNAI

25.        They possess notochord in any period of their life               CHORDATA

26.        One of the following is not the consequences of deforestation                  DECREASE IN THE LEVEL OF CARBON DIOXIDE IN THE ATMOSPHERE

27.        If for genetic modification genes of the species or of a crossable plant are used under control of their native promoter, then they are called       Plants    CISGENIC

28.        The following are the major activities of plant breeding. One of the following Gives the correct sequence of events in plant breeding      COLLOECTION OF VARIATION- SELECTION - EVALUATION –RELEASE

29.        One of the following is the NOT part of maintaining balance of the ecosystem      PROTECTING FOOD CROPS

30.        Which is not related to endosymbiosis PROKARYOTIC CELL STUDY

31.        Which is not the part of horizontal gene transfer               Conjugation Transformation Transduction


32.        which One is not related to protozoa reproduction PARTHENOGENESIS

33.        Taxonomy was established by              CAROLUS LINNAEUS

34.        Linus Pauling called science a way to find Truth or logic. select the correct one       TRUTH

35.              Assumes that the tree that requires the fewest evolutionary events (appearances of shared derived characters) is the most likely      MAXIMUM PARISMONY

36.        Annelids are not                    PREDATORS.

37.        The field of biology specializing in developing hardware and software to store and analyze the huge amount of data being generated by life scientists.        BIOINFORMATICS

38.        There are some so called             to identify ecologically genes in incompletely genome.                 PRE-


39.        The international human genome project initiated by except.

a)           US national institutes of health

b)           US department of energy,

c)           Celera genomics ,


40.        Comparative genomics is developing an increasing array of bioinformatics techniques except.

a)           Synteny analysis

b)           Phylogenetic foot printing

c)           Phylogenetic shadow,

d)           SYNTENY SHADOW

41.        Keystone species differ from foundation specie, higher trophic level, and top predator; tend to modify their environment, ALL GIVEN ABOVE.

42.        Eukarya have been evolved form since               million years ago.        TWO (NOT CONFIRMED)

43.        Group consisting various species that lack a common ancestor called ,      NONE

44.        type of selection which favor more than two extreme phenotype is        (DISRUPTIVE SELECTION)

45.        Which of the following is not mode of feeding of annelids     PREDATOR

46.        A philosophical concept of value of something independent of its value to anything else called                                                                                       


47.        Krill Is a major food for              WHALES

48.        Most important measures ecologists use to describe composition of community are      SPECIES


49.        Major technological developments of 1990s. , Computing, Communication , Micro technology ,


50.                are found in more than one copy in the genome.        PARALOGOUS GENES

BT201 Final Term Solved MCQ's By GetReady

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