ENG201 Quiz 4 Fall 22 By GetReady


ENG201 Quiz 4 Fall 22 By GetReady


_________ is a description of what the desired product should be capable of doing. It leads to the next type of specification.

Functional specification.





ENG201 Quiz 4 Fall 22 By GetReady

The glossary is the list of:

Terms and definitions used in a specific field or context.





ENG201 Quiz 4 Fall 22 By GetReady

The programmer kicked the terminal. The following sentence is an example of:

Verb tense - past tense.





ENG201 Quiz 4 Fall 22 By GetReady

For many tasks, visual aids are much______ than prose for readers to use.

more effective.





ENG201 Quiz 4 Fall 22 By GetReady

________ is an excellent means of representing the succession of events in a process or procedure.

A flowchart.





ENG201 Quiz 4 Fall 22 By GetReady

She likes cooking, jogging, and to read. The given sentence is an example of ______________.

A list of activities or interests, presented in a simple, informal structure.





ENG201 Quiz 4 Fall 22 By GetReady

The scientists disputed not only the newspaper article but also they disputed the university's official statement.It is an example of_____.

Incorrect grammar - a run-on sentence.





ENG201 Quiz 4 Fall 22 By GetReady

Which one of the following refers to the principle that parts of a sentence which are same in function should be same in structure?






ENG201 Quiz 4 Fall 22 By GetReady

From the following pairs of sentences, select the one which is free of 'Dangling Modifier'.

I'm sorry, I need more context to answer your question accurately. Can you please provide a list of sentences to choose from?





ENG201 Quiz 4 Fall 22 By GetReady

How can we correct a Comma Splice Error?

Comma splice errors can be corrected in several ways:


Using a full stop (period) to separate the two independent clauses into two separate sentences.


Using a semicolon to separate the two independent clauses.


Using a coordinating conjunction (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) to connect the two independent clauses.






ENG201 Quiz 4 Fall 22 By GetReady

_______ problems are discovered during the editing phase.






ENG201 Quiz 4 Fall 22 By GetReady

___________ specifications are used as the basis for test plans and user documentation.






ENG201 Quiz 4 Fall 22 By GetReady

Fill in the blank with a suitable interrogative pronoun.………… is the better idea, Hassan’s or Rida’s?






ENG201 Quiz 4 Fall 22 By GetReady

____________ refer to non-alphabetical symbols.

Punctuation marks.





ENG201 Quiz 4 Fall 22 By GetReady

Rules for visual aids include all of the following except:





ENG201 Quiz 4 Fall 22 By GetReady

______ verbs form concise prose.






ENG201 Quiz 4 Fall 22 By GetReady

For the sake of clarity in writing, make sure your _______ are closely linked to their antecedents .






ENG201 Quiz 4 Fall 22 By GetReady

_________ is used in paragraphs to provide instances that clarify topic statement.

Supporting details.